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OCS 100

What is OCS100 Certification?

Cotton is known to be one of the world's most tainted crops because of the heavy use of pesticides, a toxic cancer-causing chemical that destroys your health especially when you use it against the most absorbent part of your body. It is because of this reason that hannahpad has chosen to create our washable menstrual cloth pads from only certified organic cotton which goes through very minimal treatment and processing. Keeping it natural to use on the most natural part of the body. 

On each hannahpad you’ll notice our OCS 100 (Organic Content Standard) certified label. This label means a lot to our business and brand philosophy but more importantly are the benefits it provides the end users of our products.  

What is OCS 100?

OCS 100 is certified to only those final products that contains 95-100% of organic material. The aim of OCS is to provide transparency, consistency and guarantee traceability whilst retaining the integrity of the organically grown material. Close monitoring and verification of contents of the organically grown material throughout all stages of production ensures the product indeed contains organic material.  

Who monitors this certification? 

In the textiles industry, the raw materials must come from controlled organic cultivation. The Control Union is a renowned certification body that conducts mandatory checks on the use of the biologically grown cotton at all stages of processing and manufacturing.

It is important to note that hannahpad must renew the OCS 100 certification annually for consistency to produce top quality washable organic cloth pads that's a healthier and safer alternative for people to use. hannahpad will continue the necessary renewal process to retain the business's mission and values moving forward. 

What this means for you?

With so many products being mass produced today, it’s only fair that consumers are becoming concerned about the health and evironmental issues surrounding the products they purchase and use in their daily life. The OCS 100 certification allows people to understand the organic make up of hannahpads and what they are exactly placing against their skin. More than that, it represents our commitment to product quality, safety and transparency for the wellbeing of all cloth pad users and helps limit the impact that half the population of the world is contributing to the planet through their menstrual wastes alone.


Gllquen Baby® has been certified by OCS100.